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Lisa Fields | From Deconstruction to Reconstruction


Deconstruction is not simply a buzzword, but a reality that many Christians — especially young people and people of color — experience. Lisa Fields shares how her own faith was challenged, and how she helps Christians know what they believe and why.

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Felicia Wu Song | How Tech Impacts Faith, Society and Personhood


How do we interact with social media, digital devices and technological advances in order to foster thriving communities and navigate complexity with biblical clarity? Join Felicia Wu Song and Walter Kim as they tackle this question.

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Heather Rice-Minus | Restoration and Revival for Those in Prison


The United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world with almost 2 million people currently imprisoned. Heather Rice-Minus of Prison Fellowship shares how broken systems can be redeemed and how lives inside and outside prison walls can be transformed.

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Michael Oh | Collaboration for the Great Commission


Jesus calls us to himself and then sends us on mission — The Great Commission as told in Matthew 28 —  to "go make disciples of all nations." We join with The Mission Matters podcast to bring you special guest, Michael Oh, to talk about where global missions stand and what's needed.

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Curt Thompson | Exploring Soul Care


We were made to flourish and to help others flourish. Dr. Curt Thompson, psychiatrist and author, talks about interpersonal neurobiology — how we were created as embodied and relational beings — and what implications it has for how we experience the gospel.

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James Meeks | Sheep Make Sheep


How do you grow a church? Sheep make sheep, says Pastor James Meeks. A life in Christ is transformational at its core, and a transformed life can’t help but be a shining light so that others can see their good deeds and glorify the Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

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Derwin Gray | Reforming a Deformed Gospel


American Christian culture has, at times, reduced the gospel to an individualistic transaction rather than an all-encompassing transformation of all things. Pastor Derwin Gray reminds us that as the Great Commandment and Great Commission drive us forward, we must recover the social dimensions of the gospel’s reach.

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Mark Elliott | Gospel Presence in Ukraine


Nearly every news outlet is covering the geopolitical and humanitarian impact in Ukraine. As we respond to the needs for support, we also wonder about the impact on religion from the Russian invasion. Mark Elliott, founder of the East-West Church and Ministry Report, share what is happening with churches and ministries in the region.

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Mariah Humphries | Native Christianity


Many people assume that Native culture is non-Christian. Mariah Humphries, a citizen of the Mvskoke Nation, shares her own faith journey and how she embraces both her Christianity and identity as a Native American.

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Gus Reyes | The Heartbeat of the Hispanic Community


Hispanics have played a major role in driving population growth in our country and in revitalizing our churches. In Today's Conversation podcast, Dr. Gus Reyes offers thoughtful and pastoral insight into this community.

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Julius Kim | The Gospel & Cultural Captivity


In light of today's cultural complexity and the pervasiveness of the digital age, how does the Church reach and disciple the next generation for Christ? What gospel principles bear on our approach? Julius Kim, president of The Gospel Coalition, shares what evangelism and the proclamation of the gospel looks like in today’s culture.

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Nona Jones | Intentional Leadership for Kingdom Impact


Nona Jones' story showcases the powerful nature of the gospel to transform lives. As a survivor of abuse and a difficult childhood, the odds were stacked against her. But God used a visit to church in sixth grade to change the trajectory of Nona's life.

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