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John Jenkins | Learning from the Black Church


In Today's Conversation podcast, Pastor John Jenkins describes how the African American church has overcome challenges and stayed the course. He notes the historic role of the Black church in the civil rights movement and how that model can inspire us to action. John candidly shares about his experience as a Black man in America.

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Michael Carrion | How COVID-19 Is Impacting Communities of Color


Rev. Dr. Michael Carrion pastors in the North and South Bronx — part of the poorest congressional district in the nation and located in a U.S. coronavirus hotspot. At the time of the podcast recording, 15 members of his church had died due to COVID-19.

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Jo Anne Lyon | Leading Well in Times of Crisis


Not many have led in the variety of ministries and at the most senior levels as Jo Anne Lyon. She served in pastoral ministry for over 30 years, founded an international nonprofit organization, provided executive leadership to Christian higher education institutions, and was the top leader of The Wesleyan Church denomination.

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Dr. Stephen Ko | Faith in the Midst of Coronavirus


As a pastor and former CDC medical officer, Dr. Stephen Ko brings a unique and important perspective on the coronavirus and the Church’s response. His passion for evangelism and his expertise in public health inform the advice and encouragement he offers.

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Bradley Wright | What the Numbers Say About Christianity


While some narratives suggest that the sky is falling for Christianity, sociologist Bradley Wright takes an optimistic approach. Not only are evangelicals holding steady in their numbers, they are not perceived by those outside the faith as negatively as most people think.

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John Inazu | Surviving and Thriving in Deep Difference


Over the past couple decades, there have been major cultural shifts in American society around sexuality, gender, and religion in the public square, among other issues. The United States is also becoming more politically and socially tribal.

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Walter Kim | A Leader for the Next Decade


Walter Kim is a pastor, scholar and thought leader, and he became president of the National Association of Evangelicals in January 2020. Today's Conversation with Leith Anderson, NAE president emeritus, and Walter Kim offers unique insight into Walter's background and his hopes for the future of American Christianity.

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Changing a Denomination’s Theological Statement


At its 2019 Conference, the Evangelical Free Church of America revised its Statement of Faith to change the word "premillennial." EFCA leaders Kevin Kompelien and Greg Strand share about the process, the significance of the change, and what other organizations and denominations can learn about changing theological statements.

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The Real Story of Church and State


There is a lot of conventional wisdom about the origins of religious freedom in the United States that isn't true, says church-state expert Carl Esbeck in Today's Conversation podcast with NAE President Leith Anderson. Knowing the real history helps us better understand our current context and future challenges.

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Behind the Scenes of The Salvation Army


Many people think they know The Salvation Army. They've seen the red kettles and been to the thrift stores. But those are just a few pieces that speak to the reach of this international, social services and church-based organization.

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Lessons Learned Through a Medical Crisis


John Stumbo was an avid runner and outdoorsman before a mysterious illness left him bedridden for 77 days and unable to swallow for over a year. John was forced to resign as a pastor, but he now serves as president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. In Today's Conversation with Leith Anderson, John shares about the lessons he learned during his medical crisis.

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The Future of Bible Translation


Today's Bible translation ministry isn't the same as it was a generation ago. New technology and an increased emphasis on partnerships has accelerated the pace. Yet there are still about 4,000 languages that don't have a Bible translation — half of which have not been started.

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