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Crisis at the Border


Our nation has been gripped by images and stories from the U.S./Mexico border. We have heard statistics, opinions and countless messages about the tens of thousands who are trying to cross the border into the United States each month.

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Understanding the Opioid Crisis


Almost every day we hear a news story about opioid addiction in America. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that over 2 million people in the United States are currently addicted to prescription opioids.

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How to Handle Controversy


Controversies are often the things you want to leave in the past. That's why this conversation with Philip Ryken is so unique. He served as senior pastor of the historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for 10 years before joining Wheaton College as its president in 2010.

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Food, Faith & Writing


Popular author, speaker and Bible teacher Margaret Feinberg went on a unique journey — including fishing on the Sea of Galilee, descending 400 feet into a salt mine, and harvesting olives in Croatia — to discover God's perspective on food. In Today's Conversation podcast with NAE President Leith Anderson, Margaret offers a fresh perspective on food in the Bible.

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Everything You Need to Know About Pastoring Cross-Cultural Churches


Randy Nabors pastored a cross-cultural church for 35 years and now works with the Presbyterian Church in America denomination to help plant churches that reflect the diversity within the new church's community. He's done a lot and seen a lot. In Today's Conversation, he joins Leith Anderson to talk about pastoring cross-cultural churches.

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The History of Islam


There are more Muslims now in America than Jews. Yet, many Americans are often confused, afraid and lack a basic understanding of Muslims and the Islamic faith. John Azumah joins Today's Conversation with Leith Anderson to help us understand the history of Islam and how it impacts our relationships with Muslims today.

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Everything You Need to Know About Pastoring Large Churches


Bryant Wright has been the senior pastor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church outside of Atlanta since 1981 when the church had a membership of about 20 families. Now it has seven Sunday morning worship services with an average worship attendance of 4,000. In Today's Conversation, he joins Leith Anderson to talk about pastoring a large church.

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Christians in a Politically Divided Country


Our country seems to be increasingly divided along political lines. Technology has made it easy to reinforce biases in media silos and become deeply entrenched in particular ideologies. In Today's Conversation, NAE leaders Leith Anderson and Galen Carey talk about how Christians fit into this equation.

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Everything You Need to Know About Pastoring Rural Churches


American rural counties include 46.2 million people, or 15 percent of the U.S. population. We can all learn a lot from what God is doing in rural America, as well as how to best support churches and pastors in these areas.

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Evangelicals and the #MeToo Movement


The #MeToo Movement has gripped the country with disconcerting allegations of sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood, the halls of political power, universities and even among churches. How are evangelicals to think about the #MeToo Movement?

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Everything You Need to Know About Pastoring Small Churches


Karl Vaters has been a small church pastor for 30 years. He's written about pastoring small churches in books ("The Grasshopper Myth" and "Small Church Essentials") and on Pivot, a Christianity Today blog.

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Caring for the Dying


With the aging U.S. population, there are millions who are deciding about where to live and die in later life. Today's Conversation focuses on how to care for the dying — particularly through the lens of hospice care.

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