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Mental Illness, Suicide and the Church


As part of a pastor's family that was affected by serious mental illness, Amy Simpson brings sensitivity and insight into how churches minister to those with mental illnesses. Her research on the topic formed the basis of her book, "Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission."

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How to Make Disciples in the 21st Century


Doug Nuenke leads an organization devoted to making disciples, writes and speaks on discipleship, and practices making disciples in his own life. He joins Leith Anderson in Today's Conversation podcast to share about making disciples in the 21st century.

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Unravelling the Mysteries of Millennials


Millennials are the largest generation in American history. In their 20s and 30s, they are entering the workforce and ministry contexts. Are our churches and ministries adapting to their needs?

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Leading a Denomination


In Today's Conversation, Leith Anderson and George O. Wood discuss denominational leadership, including setting goals, inspiring growth from the top down, and speaking on behalf of a diverse constituency. 

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What’s Going on in Asian American Christianity?


In Today's Conversation, Leith Anderson and Daniel Lee talk about how culture affects faith, differences between predominantly white churches and Asian American churches, how Asian Americans understand racism in the United States, and more.

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Religion vs. Science


Are religion and science in conflict? How do different religious groups view science? Do evangelicals perceive tension between science and their faith? Elaine Howard Ecklund studies religious people's perceptions of science and lends us her expertise.

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Avoiding Nuclear Catastrophe


With their capacity for indiscriminate destruction, nuclear weapons raise profound spiritual, moral and ethical concerns. In Today's Conversation, Max Tegmark, professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explains the real risks of nuclear proliferation and what needs to be done to avoid nuclear catastrophe.

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The Bible and Business


As president of Hobby Lobby and a committed Christian, Steve Green has a unique perspective on running a successful business according to one's faith.

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Religious Freedom and the Law


How safe is religious freedom in the United States? Upcoming cases in the Supreme Court and lower courts could have a significant impact on our religious freedom. Today's Conversation with Leith Anderson and Thomas Berg gives an overview of religious freedom, including what is protected in U.S. law, and what is not.

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Understanding Islam From an Evangelical Perspective


What do Muslims really believe? How is the Islamic community organized? Does the Qu'ran call for religious extremism? Today's Conversation with Leith Anderson and Joseph Cumming covers these questions and more. 

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The State of Human Trafficking


There are 46 million people in slavery around the world today. As Gary Haugen notes in Today's Conversation, that's more people in slavery today than at any other time in history. Still he's hopeful — and has strategies — to see an end to human trafficking and slavery.

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How to Be a Money-wise Christian


In Today’s Conversation, Leith Anderson and Brad Hewitt talk about how to be a money-wise Christian. As the CEO of a major Christian financial services organization, Brad guides listeners through biblical principles and practical tips for making wise financial decisions.

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