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All believers are called to live and embody God’s design in every sphere of life. In today’s complex environment, that can be difficult to navigate. Christian leaders have a special responsibility to ethical and Christ-like character (2 Corinthians 6:3). The NAE’s Codes of Ethics for pastors and church leadership teams have been widely adopted. We invite every church and pastor to commit to these biblical ethical standards.

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Ethics Resources

June 12, 2024

Leading With Humility

Ryan Burge

April 18, 2016

Pastorate: A Worthy Calling

March 10, 2016

Curbs on a Road

Heather Gonzales

Press Release
September 29, 2015

NAE Releases Ethics Guide for Churches

September 9, 2015

Forced Out of Ministry

National Association of Evangelicals Resource
June 21, 2012

When You Fail

Mark Laaser

Press Release
June 12, 2012

NAE Releases Code of Ethics for Pastors

June 1, 2012

Who’s Signed the Code?