Our vision of the kingdom of God is one characterized by people from every tongue, tribe and nation. The NAE supports and participates in various global movements and organizations whose purpose is to amplify a holistic gospel witness around the world.
The two primary channels for our global engagement are as follows:
World Evangelical Alliance – https://worldea.org/
The World Evangelical Alliance represents 600 million evangelicals and operates in 130+ countries to support and promote the full expression of evangelical faith around the world. The NAE participates by:
- Serving on the global leadership team as representative of the North America region
- Collaborating closely with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
- Building bridges with WEA representatives from around the world
World Relief – https://worldrelief.org/
Founded in 1944 as the NAE’s humanitarian relief and development arm, World Relief exists to “empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable,” and has worked in 100 countries and in partnership with 6,000 local churches. In addition to having representation on World Relief’s Board of Directors, the NAE collaborates with World Relief in a variety of ways to advocate for vulnerable and marginalized populations.
The scope of the NAE’s global engagement means that it is uniquely situated to facilitate meaningful connections for American evangelicals with the work and impact of evangelicals in other parts of the world.
As we seek to continue these important efforts, we hope to forge new partnerships, increase the NAE’s involvement in global networks and expand opportunities for hands-on engagement for American Christians with what God is doing around the world. By deepening our relationships with Christians globally, we will gain greater insight into what is happening in our own communities. The United States is more multicultural than ever before, and this presents exciting opportunities both for learning and sharing the gospel.