With the help of generous supporters and faithful members, the NAE is empowered to have a broad and enduring impact in five core areas, described below. Be sure to check out our Impact Report!

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Equipping Leaders

Evangelicals need trusted leaders who will unify rather than divide them, guide them in applying the whole teaching of Scripture to pressing issues of the day, and model civility, compassion and self-sacrifice on a daily basis. That’s why encouraging, resourcing and empowering evangelical leaders is of utmost importance to us, especially during times of polarization and confusion.

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Strengthening Churches and Denominations

Strong and effective churches and denominations are essential to a vibrant gospel witness. More than 40 denominations and 45,000 churches have found a home at the NAE. In support of these partners, the NAE convenes gatherings, facilitates conversations, leads movements and provides resources on a host of issues relevant to the evangelical community.

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Resourcing and Educating Evangelicals for Thoughtful Action

Central to our witness is a commitment to thoughtful action in the world. As such, the NAE strives to be a trusted voice of information and biblically-grounded counsel. Our purpose is to inspire and inform evangelicals about critical issues and encourage them to take action in their own spheres of influence that is faithful to the gospel.

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Transforming Social and Political Engagement

Grounded in the gospel’s implications for human flourishing, the NAE seeks to transform social and political engagement from a “culture war” mindset to a winsome presentation of biblically-based values and a commitment to the common good.

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Uniting for Global Impact

Our vision of the kingdom of God is one characterized by people from every tongue, tribe and nation. The NAE supports and participates in various global movements and organizations whose purpose is to amplify a holistic gospel witness around the world.

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For more information about supporting the NAE, please contact:

Cullen Rodgers-Gates

Director of Development & Membership
202.893.7821 | Cullen@NAE.org

Financial Integrity and Accountability

The NAE is a proud member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, demonstrating our commitment to excellence in stewarding the resources with which we have been entrusted. As part of that commitment, we undergo an annual financial audit by independent certified public accountants. Information from our most recent audit is available on the ECFA website.

The National Association of Evangelicals is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization (EIN 53-0218653). Your gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.